Friday, October 14, 2011

SharePoint Fatigue Syndrome

I finished reading a great article about the "SharePoint Fatigue Syndrome". These are valuable thoughts on a subject that is not exclusive to SharePointers, but to many areas in IT and life. The 5th point is a must!

Read it here.

I'll have to say I don't feel I am being affected by that syndrome, as I believe I have good coping mechanisms for all of the mentioned causes.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Yet another quick SharePoint Intranet checklist

I was checking an old blog post (Ago/09) from Joel Oleson (here) and the 10 points he raised back then remain current. It's about why your SharePoint deployment may be falling short. Here's a quick list to wrap his comments, with my own tweaking:
  1. Easy access, everywhere (the mobile and tablet market have gone huge)
  2. My Sites up and running
  3. Rich, complete and editable User Profiles
  4. Enhancing search with people and other systems
  5. Using blogs and wikis (enhanced editions)
  6. Presence enabled
  7. Easy navigation (browsing and searching)
  8. Avoid junk by expiring content, sites, lists, documents...
  9. Use tagging, rating and useful metadata
  10. Keep information dynamic and updated
There are some points more important than others, of course. But all of them should be in the back of your mind, whether you are planing a deployment of SharePoint, or if one is already up and running, but some of these areas have not been well thought or implemented.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Technical diagrams for SharePoint 2010

Whether you are working on your topology or the logical architecture of your solution, these resources from Microsoft may help you and make your job easier. Common example solution diagrams are provided and you can adapt and expand according to your specific scenario. Or use them just as guidance.

Provided as visio files for editing and also pdf for viewing, you can find the diagrams here.

Windows PowerShell Command Builder for SPS2010

Microsoft released a nifty tool to help developers build PowerShell commands. It was built using Silverlight and allows you to easily drag and drop commands (nouns and verbs) to a design area, where you can see the API documentation and fill the necessary and optional parameters in a GUI. A step in the right way.

You can find it here.