Friday, May 27, 2016

My experience in Stockholm #ESPC15

I have written a 2 part article about my experience in the #ESPC15 in Stockholm, for the conference website community blog.

On part I, I talk about the first day keynotes, which were quite interesting. On part II, I go through some of the most important insights I got from the other presentations I attended.

Check it out!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 1 - Pre-Conference Tutorials (#ESPC15)

The day has arrived, here's the European SharePoint Conference kicking off!

To start things easy, in this Pre-Conference kick off day, we were presented with full-day tutorials. There were quite a few interesting options, on a total of 8 available.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Live from the European SharePoint Conference in Stockholm

I will be live blogging and twitting from the European SharePoint Conference (#ESPC15) in Stockholm this week!

Follow me on Twitter (@alexem) or just keep up with the news on the blog (here or @GetSPcom).

Looking forward to it!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Paul Culmsee in Dublin: Intellectual Capital is the key

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend Paul Culmsee's seminar called "Re-writing the rule book for managing knowledge", held at the Microsoft offices in Dublin.

I have been following Paul's blog for a couple of years now, Clever Workarounds, so I was looking forward to meet him in person and also talk a bit more about Dialogue Mapping...

I'm glad to say he fully delivered on the expectations!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Speaking at the SharePoint Evolutions Roadshow'14 (Dublin)

Last June, I was invited to speak at the SharePoint Evolutions Conference Roadshow, here in Dublin. It was a joint session promoted by Derek Finnerty, my practice director in Storm, with Gerry Moloney, from the NTMA.

The goal of the presentation was to show "a client story, a very real one, about the hoops and hurdles our client went through to create a SharePoint centric platform that delivered a full range of business solutions to make things work".

Friday, May 23, 2014

Problems with the Content Organizer: 10 shortcomings

The Content Organizer is one of the ECM features that got promoted to a global feature in SharePoint 2010, enabling it to be used in any site or context. It was already available in MOSS2007, but only within Record Centers.

I've used this feature in a couple of SharePoint 2010 projects and, unfortunately, it still had some problems. If you are building a new DMS, I would still definitely recommend looking at it, but not without first taking a look on the challenges I faced back then.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

March'14 in Shares

A new initiative in the blog: Month in Shares.

I usually read a lot about SharePoint and technology in my own time and I believe good content deserves to be shared. Every month I'll take a look at the retweets I've made and do some sort of curation work with the highlights.

Here's March'14.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Changing to a UNC path in the command line

Ok, so this one's a quickie. I was invoking some PowerShell from the command line (a batch file) that would iterate a Web Application, gather some info and generate a CSV report into a local folder.

Suddenly, there was a requirement to save these reports to a network shared location. The current solution had a variable for the location of the reports, but it wouldn't support a network path.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Word not saving to SharePoint by default

Recently, I had an intermittent issue with the Save button in Word 2010. It was a SharePoint 2010 project and I was creating a new document using the New > Content Type button in the ribbon of one of the document libraries.

The Content Types were custom and so were the document templates behind them. When I was saving for the first time, it would default to the local Document library and not the document library in SharePoint. Bugger!

Friday, April 4, 2014

PowerShell Tip #1: Loading custom assemblies

PowerShell is a great trick to have in your bag, it allows easy and flexible scripting using SharePoint objects. Whether you're automating a certain one-off(ish) task, or just debugging a certain strange behaviour, it is always the tool I resort to.

This time, I was having an issue with an Event Receiver. PowerShell came to the rescue!